Speech & Language Development
Typical speech and language development varies by child, but the following are expected miltestones to look out for in young children.
You know your child best. If you are worried, contact Communicating Kids Speech & Language for an evaluation.
By 2 years old:
Has 50 words
Puts two words together to say phrases
Understands simple directions
Understands simple questions
Understands new words quickly
Can say the sounds, "p, b, d, n, m, and h"
By 3 years old:
Understands spatial concept words like, "up, down, big, little, on, off"
Answers simple questions
Follows simple 2-step directions
Speaks using short 3-word phrases
Asks simple questions ("why? where?")
50% - 75% of speech is understood
Can say the sounds "t, f, k, and g"
By 4 years old:
Speaks in short sentences
Shares what happened during the day
Can make rhymes
Understands words for colors and shapes
Speech is easy to understand
Says all syllables in words
Can say the sounds "v, s, z, sh, ch, l, j"
By 5 years old:
Tells short stories
Engages in conversation
Understands time concept words like, "first, last, yesterday, tomorrow"
Uses grammatically correct sentences
Identifies some letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make
Speech is understood 100% of the time
Can say the sounds "th and r"